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Jiri Gesi

Machine Learning | Retrival & Ranking researcher

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PhD (CS) Master (CS) BEng (ME)
UC Irvine Univ of Michigan Xi'an Jiao Tong Univ
California, USA Michigan, USA Xi’an, China
2023 2017 2016


Amazon eBay Ford
Palo Alto, CA San Jose, CA Allen Park, MI
Applied Scientist Graduate Student Researcher Machine Learning Engineer
Since 2023 2022 2019


  • 🏆 Dean’s Awards from Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences,UC Irvine, 2019
  • 🏆 Outstanding Master student’s thesis, University of Michigan, 2017
  • 🏆 Siyuan Scholarship, Xi’an Jiao Tong University, 2013, 2014, 2015


Have mentored the following junior students and submitted several papers with them

  • Fall 2021 - present: 💙 Yufan Geng, UCI ICS MS student ➡️ Meta
  • Fall 2021 - present: 💜 Xinyun Shen, UCI ICS MS student ➡️ Meta
  • Fall 2019 - Summer 2021: 💙 Jiawei Li, UCI ICS MS student ➡️ UCI ICS PhD
  • Fall 2019 - Spring 2020: 💜 Siqi Liu, UCI ICS BS student ➡️ Amazon

Teaching assistant courses

  • INF 115: Software Testing, Analysis, and Quality Assurance, UC Irvine, 2020
  • INF 43: Introduction to Software Engineering, UC Irvine, 2020

my full CV.